Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hello from Oyen Aberta, last night in this amazing province. Tomorrow we hit the big green.
Today started as usual at 0400, al the worry trips, packing, choking down toast and water. Packed and underway in semi dark at 0500. This time prepared for cool and hopefully no rain. Within 5 minutes the cold rain started and didn't stop for 3 hours.
Great ride along highway 9, it runs east and is by west standards a very curvy road, first slight deviation is 35 km fron Hanna, then several bends jammed in on each other with little time to recover between, less than 10-15 km. Fields with not as properous looking ranches, and the occasional pumping oil well. We saw several herds of domestic buffalo. They are hugh, can't imagine hunting them with bow and arrow. Had a buffalo burger a nd it was good. The towns here are not like in BC, there they were all geared for visitors. Here they are commnities of wrking people and few facilities for guests, Mind you we are using secondary roads for obvious reasons.
As the day began the bicycles took over and refused to glide along at 25-35 kph as they should on this terrain. It seems they got together last night and hatched a plan thinking that if they dragged along they could get in the car, and the other 2 bikes would be forced to do a share. They were aided by a wonderful wind that Peter would close his office for and seek out the board. Our problem is we had to point a litte to high into the breeze and have not mastered the tacking necessary to deal with a head wind that became more brisk as the day unfolded. The bikes didn't get their way however, we kept them out in the rain, and despite there pooky effort we competed the170 km run. Should have been 6 hours and was in fact over 8 hours. We wil punish them tonight with a good bath, and reward them with lots of oil.
Today of all days the ride was easy to do, if you lost concentration you were in reverse. I suspect Tom used my name in vain today and so did I, and more than once. The trouble with telling anyone about this trip is now there is an expectation to Robin who complete it, ok with us but anyone who knows the weather man might put in a good word for us. It is common knowledge that travellers aways bring a lot m ore that they need. Perhaps al the warm weather bicycling gear quailfy, our skiing cothing is getting a good workout.
You notice that I have less to report. I can tell you about evry defect in pavement between Hanna and Oyen. One of those days, that happen in life when you can only concentrate on the task at hand,in order to be successful. Head down and keep the legs moving. Sunday we saw hundreds of cyclists, today not another sole. probably their bikes simply refused. Can't imagine doing this trip without the support team of Valerie and Jenny. Today having a car with food and dry clothing made the day possible. Genevieve was there when needed all day, a great pit crew.
Today I would like to say thank you to all the people who with there support allowed me this opportunity to goof off and relax. Without their encouragement and efforts Tom would be at home dry and warm. The silver seven and others who are covering my clinical responsibilites, Eady Mae who charmed Derrick into helpinf at the Lodge,

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