Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, Rube

Helo from Shelburne, a beautiful evening reaxing after a 201km run. Yesterday you meet our bicycles , a Specialized Rubaix and a Opus Crescendo. They have asked to tell todays story.I don't know what they want to say but here goes. Over to you guys.
Thanks. My name is Rubaix and my friend is Crescendo, we prefer to be called Rube and Cres. Tonight Cres has allowed me to tell our story
I am a highly sophisticated road bike and have preformed very well for 3 years. This spring I had a full overhall and was in wonderful form when this trip began. I looked great, my waist was trim and weight was low , I was in perfect form. My friend Opus is younger then I, but the result of advanced engineering and a worthy companion for the trip. We got to know and respect each other while we were training our riders this sprig. Opus looks great in white with some pumpkin trim. I'M a little jealous as my standar blue isn't exciting. We have the best of wheels, fancy narrow saddles, and all covered with super tires and tubes. I must admit I have enjoyed all the attention.
For approximately a week I have had a problem. The chump rider thought the cleats that lock the shoes to the pedals. Despite my efforts he cont't to ignore me, so of coarse I was angry and made him work harder. Stil no response. Com'on friend do I have to draw you a picture.
Today was the last straw. I could barely go on and still I'm ignored. All I hear is you will get better with new cleats. Yes!
Cres and I are on the road at 0525 leaving Tobermory in the rain and fog, and we are hurting, I mean hurting. 90 km later I quit. No more for you my friend, don't look after me, walk.
When he finally looked even this bozzo could see big problems with my cranks. So what does he do. Just puts me aside and takes black beauty out of the van, Don'te wrong, I ike some Cervello's, but this guy has never been dirty wet or tired. I'm in the van and out of play. Cres went quite over that move. Don't despair the story gets better.
25 km later in Owen Sound there is a shop called Cycleface, and a wonderful man who took me in and looked me over. I could kiss this man, he knew so much and was so kind to me. He dropped what he was doing, and immediately started to define my needs. Liteally the door to tool time was 3 minutes. Take that Seattle cardiac card system.
Short version is a new Bottom bracket, new crank and crank arms and new chain were required. My original equippment was carbon fiber and stood up for about 7000 km but today new parts were needed. Those of you who wonder what these parts are, the botom bracket connects the crank to the frame, the crank has all those points that catec the chain and the arms hold the pedals. Yes all the power parts were worn , loose and ineffecient. Exactly as I have been trying to get the rider to notice. Fool, I had to fall apart before he reay looked. With this and new tires and I'm back to myself, ready to fly, effecient and reliable.
Cres only needed some new rubber and chains, and looks great The new tires are red, wow they roll beautifully. 75 minutes after arriving we were underway. Smiling because we both felt so good with our new parts, the sun had replacer the rain. Happy enough to give our riders the best run of the trip. We were flying on our own, they ony thought they were doing it. Believe me Cres and I did it all.
We spoke to out friend the big Blow, and he got on side for the first time and pushed us along. Wow what a team, wind and Cres and I realy got things going and we covered the next 100 km at 35 kph. You should see the smiles on their faces. Tomorow they will be looking for the same effort , no matter what you do they always are wanting more. Fools, there is a limit, let them enjoy what they have. The philosophy of always faster, better, more upon more is a recipie for disaster.
The other neat think that happened today was a meeting with Wiarton Willie. A regular guy who gets a lot of attention where ever he goes. He has the shortest work year of anyone I know. I think he is a little bored and may be loking for another gig.
Coming down # 10 frok Owen Sound to Shelburne was getting into the fancy homes, and hobby farms with pet and spoiled horses, fat cats and yappy dogs. Yes I'm a little bitter. I bounce along on poor roads, abused and igorned and hurting and they do nothing but eat and sleep and look good. Let them work 10 hours a day and see how they feel about chasing a poor tired bicycle.
That's my story for today. Cres has a story for tomorrow but he's kind of shy so you will have to persuade him. RRM

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