Saturday, June 12, 2010


DAY 12 Got up to blue sky at 4am after toast for breakfast , loaded up to drive to start point, cool 6c with no rain a little wind at 5am . This day went real well mainly because the weather improved it was biking temp , we covered 222km today making to Itona sk only to find a motel that was perfect but the owner decided to go out to a party we had no way to get a room . After driving to Melville sk found a room 60 bucks still has the 60's furniture it’s a bed and shower it will do for tonight .so in the last 24 hours we have covered 270km makes it easy to sleep at night tired legs . Tom

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a better day today. I missed hearing from you yesterday! Those animals you saw on Thursday were likely Pronghorn Antelope. I meant to tell you to watch for them. We have only seen them on the wide open prairie and away from more populated areas so you're lucky to have seen them. Looks like you'll be in Manitoba tomorrow. Hope it's another blue sky day!
