Monday, June 28, 2010

Bonjour mes amis June 28

After 14 days in Ontario we rode into Quebec late today. No big change. Today we hit the road at 0530 from Perth. Had a wonderful reception at Canadian Tire on Sunday. Lots of folks, 30 or so biked in with us from Glen Tay, and many more stopped to say hello at Canadian Tire. Valerie reached her target for Jump Start and in every way we enjoyed the event. Thank you all for your support. A day at home was pleasant givi9ng us a chance to catchup with family. Children and grandchildren all visited making an exciting day. Unfortunately we missed Matthew in Westport by about 2 minutes. Maybe a good thing, he would have worn us out. Janet and Wilson joined us at Kelford's and kept us company

Today we were away early accompanied by Trent. He was going to Kempville to school. Off in a light shower and warm weather altogether very pleasant. Trent has way to much early speed for us and soon we were being pulled along at 30-35 kph. We kept yelling uncle only to be reminded that youth is a good thing. Rain soon ceased completely and we arrived at school in 2 hours. Covering the 60 km at about 30 kph. Trent gracefuuly said he was exhausted, probably not even a little tired but good manners imparted from Joan never rest.
Tom and I moved on to enjoy the best day of cycling yet. Overcast, ideal 20 degrees and a tail wind al combined to allow an average speed of 30 kph for the entire 7.5 hours, covering 222 km. The bonus today was chatting with Valerie's aunt and uncle and later in the morning we had lunch with another uncle, Lois'brother, and a character worth meeting, he has a great supply of yarns and jokes. The day was free from mechanical problems. Hopefuuly more to come.
The plan now is to procede along the north shore of the St Laurent to Quebec City, cross by ferry and then along the south shore to the Gaspe Bay and then along the coast throughNew Brunswick. Taking time to visit historical sites and making new friends.
As I'm typing this a great wind has come up and clearly heavy rains are beginning. Great to be inside a covered porch when this is happening.
We last reprted from Rice Lake, south of Peterborough. That morning started as most with poor conditions that soon developed into a steady and at times driving rain. This is now are speciality allowing us to cover almost 200 km as we picked our way along back roads to Tweed, Verona and stoping in Westport. Soaked and happy we were pleased to call it a day. Many of these roads were new to me. Interesting country and many great places to live. I'm impressed by the huge lawns that people keep so well groomed, what dedication.
It occurs to me that a tour of Ontario would certaily be possible. How about a leisurely 4 week tour covering about 100 km daily and fully supported. Perhaps a race from Perth to Thunder Bay and back could be promoted. It has great terrain and would be challenging enough to interest elite athletes. There could be categories for elites cyclists, but also for ordinary folks who are ambitious enough to sign on. Ontario has it all for cycling and you certainly have a different perspective from a bicycle saddle. Example, who knows were Crawford's creek is situated?
This evening I heard Cres and Rube arguing about who's turn it was to tel there story. Finally I said neither today and only if they are well behaved will they be given on opportunity tomorrow.
The big news is that Valerie is back with us for the remainder of the trip. "It's all good" Expect to get shopping updates, fashion statements and political commentary at this location. Now that the support team is at full strength Tom and I are anticipating full "tour de France" services. "Expect if you like baby but"
The storm has blown through, the rain was moderate and now the clouds are magnificent. The setting sun is producing high lights and suddenly tha winds are gone and the clouds are stationary. My favorite reninds me of our minister when I was very young. Bright and friendly on one side and dark and a little frightening on the other side, Also has his nose with the long hairs hanging out.
a most relaxing and easy going day. Canada is a great place to live. RRM

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